What’s Your Story?

The Plucky Squire

That this question isn’t asked more often, especially internally, is quite telling.  In fact, when you think about it, this statement usually only comes up as the result of a scandal or when someone steps into the spotlight.   

If you’re like Jot, the main character in developer All Possible Futures upcoming title Plucky Squire, you may never have considered the fact you’re in a story.  One that, need I remind you, you’re responsible for drafting.  When an evil wizard attempts to take over Jot’s storybook ending, it will offer the hero an opportunity to embark on a whole new chapter.  

In order to help you truly appreciate the enchanting endeavor publisher Devolver Digital, let’s begin with a little story.  There once was a brave adventurer named Jot who saved the realm of Mojo and its citizens from an evil wizard named Humgrump.  The End.  

The Plucky Squire

Now while I’m certain that All Possible Futures has written a better tale for players to read in Plucky Squire, even with some omissions I’m probably not far off.  Call me jaded or just someone who has experienced enough Happily Ever Afters.  Books, films, and videogames – even those offering potential “Bad” endings – all give audiences the same narrative; some even overlapping.  However, Wreck it Ralph was a revelation of how repetitive, even restrictive, it is when you’re stuck in the same role.    

Even if the animators at Pixar want us to look at Ralph differently, there isn’t much difference between him and Humgrump.  Given his continuous defeat is due to Jot, I’m pretty sure the wizard will admit to suffering from superhero fatigue, similar to Ralph.    

Though rather than creating his own destiny, Humpgrump apparently stumbles upon a way to erase Jot from the pages of his own story.  With the book’s words and pages completely out of order, Jot will have to restore his story.  To do that the Plucky Squire is going to borrow something from a video game icon’s playbook.  

It’s Me

That video game character is none other than the Italian plumber turned Mushroom Kingdom savior, Mario.  Most fans may only know him for being super, but there is a sinister chapter to his existence as well.   Although you may not credit it to his career since his name isn’t featured in the title; nor the sequels.  Still with both Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr we have a tale of Mario and the Kong family facing the same formula that fills the pages of Plucky Squire.  Including a twist in fate, capable of transforming a story and lives forever.  But if Humpgrump believes he will get his own franchise from this effort, I would advise him to check the fine print.  Because Humpgrump’s magic creates an unintentional powerup that will set the Plucky Squire off on more adventures than even Mario.  

Whether you’ve considered it or not without something else providing structure and support the characters, places or even the entire stories that exist in literary works just sort of fall flat.  Regardless if the final expression is words in a book, a painting, images in films or even videogames there is one essential element that adds volume to any edition.  

The Plucky Squire
The Plucky Squire

Similar to the Jot players first meet in Plucky Squire, all these things don’t live in our world.  Regardless of how far away or far fetched the locale referenced in the pages, they all still simply just that – words on a page.  Existing as part of the second dimension – or 2D – these items are limited to being measurable by only length and width.  Remarkably, these are also the two dimensions that we use to determine game pixels or the size of parchment, even cards.

As a former artist of entries into the Pokemon series, I suspect James Turner would be able to tell you where to find the translation and definition for the franchise’s title.  Actually, the answer is quite similar to what Jot is about to experience, because the solution springs from the dilemma.  While a pocket monster may provide you with a better understanding of words, being booted from his book will finally give Jot a better look at his world.  Along with who he really is, or more importantly who is capable of being.   

As a former artist of entries into the Pokemon series, I suspect James Turner would be able to tell you where to find the translation and definition for the franchise’s title.  Actually, the answer is quite similar to what Jot is about to experience, because the solution springs from the dilemma.  While a pocket monster may provide you with a better understanding of words, being booted from his book will finally give Jot a better look at his world.  Along with who he really is, or more importantly who is capable of being.   

But if Jot wasn’t certain of his place in the world before, his mind is blown once he is banished from his book.  What Humpgrump didn’t factor into his coup was Jot’s book is also Sam’s book.  Which sits on Sam’s desk inside of Sam’s room.  These new surroundings offer several new, unfamiliar but useful areas for Jot to explore.  Giving the Plucky Squire some new adventures also transforms the game from a 2D top down, side-scroller to a 3D action platformer.  Meanwhile, the graphics and colors transition from the color wheel of pastels that you’d typically associate with a children’s book to the depth of RGB colors developers use in games.

But if Jot wasn’t certain of his place in the world before, his mind is blown once he is banished from his book.  What Humpgrump didn’t factor into his coup was Jot’s book is also Sam’s book.  Which sits on Sam’s desk inside of Sam’s room.  These new surroundings offer several new, unfamiliar but useful areas for Jot to explore.  Giving the Plucky Squire some new adventures also transforms the game from a 2D top down, side-scroller to a 3D action platformer.  Meanwhile, the graphics and colors transition from the color wheel of pastels that you’d typically associate with a children’s book to the depth of RGB colors developers use in games.

The various areas of Sam’s Room offer All Possible Futures a chance to explore new areas that don’t necessarily fit into the realm of Mojo.  The gameplay trailer for Plucky Squire reveals Jot scrambling to avoid enemies amidst the paper clips and blocks that Sam has in his room.  It is obvious from the items, including art accessories, I can’t help but imagine that Sam is a “creative” too.  As he travels this new world, Jot will discover the missing details of his previous adventure and find a way to return them to his story.   Once he realizes he can portal into – not to mention interact with the pages of his book in other ways – Jot will be able to prove that the Plucky Squire is more powerful than any wizard.  Well, that is once he gets a little help from his friends still trapped inside The Plucky Squire.  

Jot isn’t the only individual whose adventure Humgrump upsets.  Jot’s friends, Violet and Thrash are also in the Plucky Squire and together they will show Humgrump this three cord won’t be easily broken.  Although they aren’t able to travel beyond the book’s pages, as Jot returns to Mojo both of his friends will be ready to assist in their unique way.  One section of footage shows Thrash rocking out with his drumsticks as he sends rocks back at a sea serpent that I’m sure is preventing the trio’s progress.  LIkewise, Violet can be seen practicing her spelling as she raises a log bridge to help the three through a swamp.  Jot will also receive some assistance from Pip, an assistant of the trio’s mentor, a sorcerer by the name of Moonbeam.  Since Moonbeam is one of a few individuals who are aware of everyone’s role in the I expect the sorcerer will be responsible for providing any upgrades or additional abilities Jot may receive.  I’m also curious how he embraces the changes Humpgrump has made, not to mention his reaction to the realization that Jot will never be the same again.  

Until this point in his adventure everything Jot has experienced was predictable.  There was no risk and after being stuck on replay for who knows how long I doubt there was any real feelings of a reward.  Regardless of the reason, this adversity is actually a blessing.  If Jot is willing to embrace a little change this journey should not only help him understand the world that he exists in, but also future adventures that await him.  

Until this point in his adventure everything Jot has experienced was predictable.  There was no risk and after being stuck on replay for who knows how long I doubt there was any real feelings of a reward.  Regardless of the reason, this adversity is actually a blessing.  If Jot is willing to embrace a little change this journey should not only help him understand the world that he exists in, but also future adventures that await him.  

In the Plucky Squire, players will help the realm of Mojo’s hero restore his book’s Happy Ending.  However, I doubt after this adventure Jot will ever want to go back to telling the same story again.   

The Plucky Squire

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